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CBIE2023 Conference FAQs

Conference Session Proposals

Who is part of the Proposal Review Committee?

The Proposal Review Committee is tasked with selecting the best proposals to create the annual conference program. The Committee is representative of CBIE’s membership and includes practitioners from across the country with expertise in various areas of international education.

How are proposals evaluated?

After submitting your proposal, speaker names and contact information are removed in the review process to ensure proposals are assessed based on merit. Evaluators look for innovative elements, depth of information being presented, strong learning outcomes, and how the session will contribute to knowledge building for practitioners. Secondarily, evaluators ensure that accepted sessions will create a balanced and comprehensive program across various areas of practice in international education.

Why was my proposal rejected?

There are many reasons why a proposal is rejected. This year, the most common reason for proposal rejection was the high number of submissions that were received on the same topic (track) or theme, making it challenging to accommodate all within the limited session slots available. Proposals that came across as overly promotional, felt too broad in scope or did not strongly respond to the evaluation criteria received low scores and were not selected.

If my proposal was rejected for CBIE2023, should I resubmit next year?

Absolutely. Each year, CBIE takes pride in developing a robust program that focuses on evolving topics and trends impacting the international education sector. We strongly encourage you to resubmit a session proposal next year.

What if my proposal was accepted but I have to cancel?

Sometimes things come up that may force you to cancel participation in the conference — a health issue, a family emergency, etc. In such an event, please contact us at [email protected].

If I cannot attend the conference, may I present via Zoom?

CBIE2023 will be hosted in person, and it is recommended that all speakers are registered and attend the conference. In special cases, such as having an international co-speaker who is no longer able to attend, Zoom can be considered for a portion of the presentation. Please note technical assistance for virtual presentations is limited and if issues arise your presentation time cannot be extended. If you need to discuss a virtual presentation option, please contact us at [email protected].

Conference Presentations

May I substitute a different topic than the one indicated in my proposal?

No. Your session was evaluated and accepted on the merits of the proposal. You cannot substitute a different topic after your proposal has been accepted.

How long should my presentation be?

Sessions are one (1) hour in length. Sessions run concurrently and continuously throughout the day. Consequently, rooms must be cleared promptly at the end of the time period to allow for the next session to be prepared.

What are this year’s session formats?

This year, concurrent sessions are offered in two formats: Learning Sessions and Campfire Sessions.

Learning sessions focus on knowledge-sharing by leaders and practitioners. They are 60-minute presentations with at least 15 minutes of Q&A.

Campfire sessions are interactive and focus on peer-to-peer exchange. These sessions are 60-minutes and include at least 45 minutes of engagement.

What are this year’s session tracks?

This year’s program is designed to ensure that thought-provoking dialogue about Our Shared Journey as international education practitioners and leaders is represented within a number of areas of practice. This year’s tracks include:

  • International Relations + Partnerships
  • Internationalization at Home
  • Leadership, Governance + Strategy
  • Learning Abroad
  • Marketing, Recruitment + Admissions
  • International Student Advising
  • International Student Success
  • Virtual Exchange

Please note that cross-cutting themes for concurrent sessions will also be noted in the program, such as Justice, Equity, Diversity + Inclusion, and Sustainability + the SDGs.

What makes an engaging presentation?

Presenters are encouraged to collaborate with colleagues and professionals from outside their institutions on session proposals. Where possible, presenters are encouraged to offer tools, resources or frameworks that can be shared with attendees.

Do I need to bring my own laptop to the session?

CBIE will provide all laptops, projectors, screens, and Wi-Fi. Personal laptops cannot be used during the presentation.

Are technical tests available? How do I ensure my presentation slides are properly uploaded?

A presenter from each session must check into the speaker-ready room prior to their presentation so a technician may upload their presentation slides. Speakers are invited to check-in 24 hours prior to their scheduled presentation; and no later than an hour prior to the start of their session. Speakers will receive additional information regarding location and hours of operation of the speaker-ready room. This will be found in the Speaker Portal.

Is Simultaneous translation available for my session?

Simultaneous translation will not be available for all sessions. Sessions will be presented in the language in which the proposal was submitted. Presenters who submitted bilingual sessions should be prepared to alternate between the verbal use of English and French, equally.

Registration & fees

As a speaker, do I need to register for the conference?

All conference presenters must register for the conference and pay the applicable conference fee to secure a session slot. All presenters must register by September 15, 2023. Presenters who are not registered by this date, may be removed from the final program.

Are there any discounts available to speakers?

Accepted presenters will be entitled to a $75.00 discount on any of the selected conference passes purchased. A discount code will be provided via the Speaker Portal.